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Disputed wills, trusts and probate

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Tim Newsome

Managing Director

Email Tim

Hannah Kennedy


Head of Dispute Resolution

Email Hannah

Have you been unfairly left out of the will of someone you were financially dependent on?

Are you worried about the legitimacy of a will?

Do you want to reduce the risk of your will being challenged?

Nothing we go through is harder than the loss of a loved one. When their will is being disputed, this naturally can make things even more difficult. Myers & Co Solicitors are experienced in handling will disputes and can assist you through this difficult time, whether you’re bringing or defending a claim. Read on to find out more about why a dispute may arise and how you can protect yourself. Alternatively, you can make a quick enquiry below and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your situation.

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Why might a will be disputed?

Disputes about wills can arise in a number of circumstances, such as where:

  • the will did not provide for someone who was financially dependent on the deceased;
  • there are concerns about the validity of the will due to procedure not being followed properly;
  • there is doubt about forgery or mental capacity of the person making the will;
  • there is a mistake in the will; or
  • the will has been lost.

How to protect yourself when a will dispute arises

professionally drafted will can avoid the risk of future disputes. Online and ‘DIY’ wills are much riskier and therefore much more likely to be disputed. Once you have your will that has been drafted by an experienced lawyer, you can request that a ‘letter of wishes’ be drafted to clarify your intentions if you believe your family might disagree with your wishes. We can draft this for you and store it safely with your will.

If a dispute over a loved one’s will arises, whether you are bringing or defending the claim the most important thing is that you seek legal advice as soon as you can. Early action can make all of the difference and save you a lot of time, money and unnecessary stress.

How Myers & Co Solicitors can help

In the event of a challenge to a will, trust or probate order then we can advise you on what to do. Our dispute resolution team has considerable experience in handling will, trust or inheritance disputes and can offer you sensitive and constructive advice at this difficult time.

Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, our specialist wills and probate solicitors provides services throughout Staffordshire and Cheshire. To find out more, contact our wills and probate solicitors or call 01782 577000.


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