Section 21 changes and what it means for landlords
The government has confirmed its plans to abolish section 21 in England...
Disputes can arise between residential landlords and their tenants for a wide range of reasons. Each party will have legal rights which arise from the terms of the tenancy agreement and their statutory rights and protections, and so it is important to seek expert legal advice as soon as possible. We can advise landlords on a range of issues.
Our civil dispute solicitors act for landlords, and are experienced in resolving disputes relating to tenancy agreements, including:
We also advise landlords on other disputes which might arise from their property investment, such as problems about:
We always look for a pragmatic and cost-effective solution to resolving a dispute at an early stage if possible. However, if required, we can also take your case through the courts and have an excellent record in helping our clients to get results.
Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, our specialist housing solicitors offer independent legal advice and representation on all types of housing law problems. To find out more, contact our housing law solicitors or call Myers & Co Solicitors on 01782 577000.
The government has confirmed its plans to abolish section 21 in England...
Myers & Co are delighted to announce that we have a new...
There can be variety of reasons why someone becomes a landlord; this...