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Reorganisation and redundancy

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Sarah Everton


Head of Employment law

Email Sarah

Is your selection criteria fair?

Can you reduce costs without redundancies?

As part of staff restructuring and reorganisation, it may be inevitable that you will have to make redundancies. However, making sure that the correct procedure is followed by using a fair selection procedure and adhering to consultation timing is vital for the redundancy to be valid.

Not following a fair procedure could result in a claim for wrongful dismissal; At Myers & Co, our employment law experts are always at hand to guide you through the correct legal channels for reorganising your business.

We will review your:

  • redundancy procedure; making sure you follow a fair procedure and your reasons for making redundancies can be justified and alternatives are explored.
  • selection criteria; making sure it is fair, objective and consistent. Any inference that an employee was selected for redundancy based on pregnancy, trade union membership, health and safety or whistle-blowing reasons could land you with a claim for automatically unfair dismissal; and
  • consultation process; helping you deal with the requirements for conducting consultations for collective redundancies of more than 20 people and for individuals before dismissal.

Depending on your business structure, we can also advise you on alternative means of reducing total payroll costs, without resorting to redundancy.

Our EmployerAssist service could provide you with further peace of mind, giving you a dedicated helpline to our employment law specialists, a bespoke annual audit, access to our database of contracts and policies and regular updates at a fixed monthly cost.

Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, our specialist employment solicitors offer independent legal advice and representation on all types of employment law problems.  To find out more, contact us on 01782 577000.

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