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01782 577000

Professional negligence dispute

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Tim Newsome

Managing Director

Email Tim

Hannah Kennedy


Head of Dispute Resolution

Email Hannah

Do you think you have received incorrect professional advice?

Are you facing a professional negligence complaint or claim?

The dispute resolution solicitors at Myers & Co have extensive experience in bringing and defending claims in professional negligence disputes.

Bringing a claim: Professionals have an obligation to provide advice with reasonable care and skill. If you have received advice which you believe was incorrect and which has caused you a loss, then you may have a claim.

Defending a claim: If a client relationship has soured and you are faced with a complaint or a claim for professional negligence, you should consider reporting the matter to your professional indemnity insurer and seeking specialist legal advice on how best to protect your position.

There may be alternatives to going to court as a means of settling the dispute, for example mediation which often provides a more cost effective alternative. Our dispute resolution lawyers can explain the alternatives and advise on the best approach for your situation.

As part of a future risk management approach, we can check your standard retainer letter and terms and conditions. This may not help on this occasion but you will be better prepared for next time.

Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, our specialist team has helped resolve a wide range of businesses disputes and professional negligence claims. For further advice contact Myers & Co on 01782 577000.

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