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01782 577000

Commercial law

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Jen Goodwin

Head of Corporate & Associate Director

Commercial law

Email Jen

Joanna Convey


Commercial law

Email Joanna

Does your business documentation give you a firm foundation to work from?

Is your business and its interests adequately protected?

Whatever the needs of your business, we can help you achieve your goals.

If you are starting a business, whether as a company, a partnership or as a sole trader, we will provide you with commercially-focused advice so that your business can succeed.

If you have an existing business, we know you need to strike a balance between protecting the interests of your business while achieving its commercial aims.

We can prepare contracts that work in practice as well as theory. We can prepare and advise on any agreement or contract that you are considering entering into, including:

Our team of solicitors have a well-earned reputation for providing accurate commercial advice, and dealing with complex problems effectively.  For further advice, contact us on 01782 577000.

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