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Company documentation

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Joanna Convey

Commercial & Corporate Solicitor

Commercial law

Email Joanna

Are you thinking of forming a company?

Does your existing company documentation reflect how your company operates?

All companies must have articles of association. The articles set out how the company will be run.

The articles of association can include provisions concerning:

  • Different classes of shares with different rights;
  • Restrictions on how shares can be transferred;
  • What will happen if the shareholders or directors cannot agree on key matters.

Drafting the articles of association, and possibly a shareholders’ agreement, requires a detailed consideration of the needs of your business and the expectations of the shareholders and other parties involved.

If your company might benefit from new articles of association, or if you feel that your current arrangements need updating, the corporate and commercial team at Myers & Co Solicitors can assist you.

Based in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, our commercial lawyers have a reputation for providing accurate advice, and dealing with complex problems in an efficient manner.  For further advice contact Myers & Co on 01782 577000 or speak to our commercial law solicitors.

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